As Project director for The Flow Houthavens in 2018 and nowadays the co-founder and Smart Lead of The Flow Technologies (TFT), Martin oversees the technology aspects of TFT’s business and integration with PropTech Solution Providers.
Once the youngest IT Manager in a NASDAQ listed company called Compaq Computer Corporation, where he gained extensive ICT Infrastructure and Information management skills and earned promotions to senior manager (ICT Director for the largest 7 countries in Europe)
On the international VP track, Martin found himself intrigued by the “world” of ICT within the Telecommunications branch, especially the later, when offered a global CIO position with Worldport, he had the opportunity to combine his interest in ICT with high volume transactions and responsibilities in critical business environments. After the sale of its Dutch subsidiary called Enertel to Energis plc(FTSE100 listed), Martin had the chance to apply his information technology, and sales skills to setting up Energis’ data centre businesses in Amsterdam (Aalsmeer) and Frankfurt. He led Sales and Operations holding an annual 25 million budget. Within less than two years, he had steered his team in building €40 million in (V)ISP Hosting deals in two countries, while ensuring a 24X7, 99.999% reliability environment. Nowadays called Cloud Services.
In 2003, he led the complete turn-around for Enertel N.V., after which he was part of a successful MBO. He left and was appointed by Greenfield Capital (a major investor in both Enertel and Telfort), to the board of Telfort in the Netherlands in order to build an MDC (Mobile Data Company) in collaboration with Alcatel Lucent. Martin also advised on potential technology investments. It was in this context that he identified a technology investment with a global new Vendor that produced 100% ROI in just six months for the Telfort shareholders.
Martin moved on as the MD of a start-up company, leading an IP Centrex architecture development for an industry-first VOIP company called CentrIP. There he was instrumental in bringing it from concept to market in just 12 months. The company was ultimately sold to Detron ICT & Telecom Group, where it was merged into a company called EspritXB, taking in revenues up to €30 million. He served as the COO for EspritXB to complete the merger.
After that Martin was the CEO of The Datacenter Group BV. He was involved in driving both acquisition and organic growth strategies as a member of the executive team that enabled the company to build a future generation Data centre in the Delft (Technical University) area. The company is now being recognised as one of the finest data centre companies in the Netherlands called NorthC.
For UkkoMobile The first EU wide MVNO, Martin as a cofounder was The COO and responsible for setup and rollout of Wholesale Mobile Broadband partner deals in 11 countries. On track to kick start this company that owned the Technology to release mobile data end user from international roaming costs, the company was stopped due to EU regulations concerning roaming costs.
Reasonnet BV was just ramping up it’s first Business Cloud Server business in 2012 when Martin Joined as their COO. He led the Operational Excellence programs. When the company was merged in 2015 with Sentia, the companies pursued a buy and build strategy and in just 5 years the company had grown into a Benelux and Denmark based business, – from €9 to +€100 million, Martin held the COO and international Strategic Alliances role at the time he left in 2017.
Martin earned his Bachelor’s degree in Technical Computer Science and Business Administration from one of the nation’s top polytechnic schools.
Today, Martin Prins resides in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) with his wife and their two children, next to his Smart Lead role in TFT he is a Quartermaster in the South Netherlands region for international ICT Business, chairs a small cultural foundation, he enjoys Surinam as second country and loves to play a round of squash.